Degree of protection: very important when it comes to electricity!

Degrees of protection and protection levels make it safer to handle electrical equipment if you can understand them correctly and use the equipment accordingly. We clarified the label jungle. Here you can read the basic knowledge of these two terms, taking the lamp as an example, which protection levels and IP protection levels are required for installation in different locations. Why is there a protection level? For lights, electric drills, or cable reels, whenever electricity is involved, safety is the top priority. For electrical installations, multiple DIN and VDE standards are defined. Because electricity can neither be seen nor touched, but electric shocks can be fatal. Therefore, it is not only do-it-yourself and builders who rely on well-defined standards, reasonable protective measures, and last but not least high-quality electrical equipment to prevent sudden electric shocks. This equipment can be used as emergency brakes to shock. Electrical equipment is constructed accordin...