How home goods floor lamp increases the working concentration at home

The working world is currently more concerned than ever with the topic of a home office. More and more companies are allowing their employees to work from home, thus creating more space for flexibility. However, so that effective work is possible in your own home, certain framework conditions should be right there. Just like in the office, good light is also crucial in the home office to stay focused on the screen after a few hours. Light in the workplace does not necessarily have to be cozy, but effective. To guarantee this for every office, the legislator created the DIN EN 12464-1 standard in August 2011, which deals with the lighting of workplaces. Good light in the workplace is important to be able to work long and concentrated. It ensures that our eyes don't get tired and keeps us awake. Optimal light is essential, especially when working on a screen. Therefore, if there is insufficient daylight, it has to be supplemented by artificial light. The exact requirements for the li...