
Three Lessons I have Learned over Last Year

 1.Never Stop Trying Not every one founds their talents and goals in a young age or knows what they are going to do lifetime when they were still young. So do I. I have been thinking about being a director for a while. In may, I finally made my mind to quit my job and looking for a job working as an assistant director. It was a hard decision to quit the job I was doing at that moment since I will have promotion very soon. But the desire and dream to become a director finally makes me quit the job. I was so excited when I quit the job and more excited when I get an offer to working as an assistant director. It was three months of fun and hard work, and I do enjoy the time when I was doing the job. However, I still am not satisfied and confused about the future. Being a director looks like not what I have expected and knocks me back. After three months working as an assistant director, I quit the job and pause for a while, trying to figure out what I am really looking for in life and wh

Six New Challenges for 2022

  #1 Cycling at least 20 miles every week The other day I have read a news on internet, that a guy has recovered from short-sighted to normal sight, through cycling 20 miles every day. I was so surprised that the sight could be changed through cycling. Hence I have made my mind to cycling at least 20 miles a week. On the weekend, I had free time to do nothing. I went downstairs to scan a bike to start my new challenge. Six miles for the first time. For the first one mile, I felt energetic and full of fun, stamping with the tempo of music on the headphones. The second mile, I was still full of energy and ambition, thinking I will accomplish the goal I set, six miles. However, there came the third mile, I came into an upslope when I started feeling tired and exhausted. I was so worried that I might have low blood sugar. Hence, I just stopped by the road and locked up my bike to take a taxi home. First challenge failed. #2 Learning new language at least half an hour a day Since I am so fa

How to Celebrate Chinese New Year

 When there is new year, it is a reunion to your family and friends. And I like the way Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year. When is Chinese New Year? The Chinese New Year starts on 1st January of lunar calendar until 15th January of Lunar calendar. How to Celebrate Chinese New Year? In Chinese New Year, there are a lot of activities to do to celebrate the coming of new year. #1 Do Some Cleaning to Welcome the New Year For Chinese, it is believe that doing some cleaning before the coming of new year is a way to clean away bad lucks and introduce good lucks. Hence, every year before the dropping of Chinese New Year, every family will clean up the house for a good luck. In addition, in some regions, people like to throw the besom and dustpan away for a through goodbye to the past. #2 Decorating New House It is recommended to decorate the house with color of red. In China, red represents good lucks, and number 8 represents good fortune. Decorating the house with things red and num

How to Spend Christmas at Home

Travelling with family during Christmas holiday has always been the annual routine for many family. But since 2019, the outbreak of pandemic, most have to stay home and spend the holiday home. There will be so much fun home if the events are well planed. Here are some tips to spend the Christmas home with fun and joy. How to spend Christmas Home? #1 Watching Movies After a year of hard working, it is time to make up all the movie list that is laying on you notebook. Watching movie at home with family is an interesting part in Christmas. Lay back and enjoy the scenes in the movie, and the casual time with family or your beloved. #2 Decorating the House During Christmas, one of the most significant thing is doing decoration to your house. Time to set the the tree and lights, and Christmas presents. Refresh your home with bright lights and beautiful Christmas tree, Christmas vibe! #3 Exchanging Gifts Before the Christmas dropped, every one has already been busy preparing the gift o

SUNMORY Announces its Christmas Sale

Christmas has always been my favourite holiday of the year, time to get together with family, friends, or your beloved one. After 4 years’ expat abroad, finally time to get together with family again this year. And on this special holiday, I have prepared a special gift from SUNMORY, floor lamps. SUNMORY has timely announced its Christmas sale on 6 products on this special season, * Shelf Floor Lamp * Industrial Floor Lamp * Modern Floor Lamp * Arc Floor Lamp * LED Floor Lamp * Iron Shelf Floor Lamp All above-mentioned products feature LED blub, eco-friendly material that you will enjoy a cosy and warm light from SUNMORY. Time to get some new light for your house and spend the time home with family. The Christmas sale starts on 22 Dec. until 28 Dec. Come and get your special one in no time. Related Sources:

Benefits of Meditations by Shelf Lamp

 The first time when I came across meditation was two years ago when I first asked help from a shrink. Thanks to the professional help, I have found ways to relieve my stress and anxiety through meditation. There are tremendous benefits of meditation. Today I would like to introduce 10 benefits of meditations. Why is meditation important? 1. Improve Sleep Practicing meditation is good for sleep without resulting in any side-effects. Meditation will relax the body to the full extent that have a complete rest, which helps to reset the cicadian ryhthm so that the sleep quality will be better. 2. Sympathy Cultivating Over years, it is believed that meditation is helpful to make people more kind and have more sympathy. In 2013, scientists have done a test to prove it. Condon has done a test on people who have been practicing meditation and found that people with meditation are more tend to help people in need, while people without do not care at all. The experience shows that meditatio

My World Changes Bigger Under Tripod Lamp

My world is a small one, in the first place it only includes my parents, my siblings, my cousins, and my relatives. I do not have complicated interpersonal relationship. All the people around me love me, take care of me, have fun with me. And this was before I turn five years old, before I go to nursery school. When it comes, my world changes into another world that I never expected before. My world becomes a little bigger world, I start having classmates, teachers, and friends. They are people out than my family and my relatives. I begin to have social life, like with my classmates and friends. The social life at the moment is simple and at a low cost. We only need to walk home together, hand in hand, and the money we only spend is on snacks, which only takes a few cents for little breads, crisps, chips, etc. It is at this point I have a crush, a crush on the one I always go home together, hand in hand. Suddenly my world changes, I have friendship, relationship, and other connections