The melancholy lightness of summer

Light affects our mood. Especially daylight. Because that is not only responsible for the production of vitamin D in our body. It also makes us more alert and agile. Now that summer is over and the days are getting shorter, autumn can quickly hit your spirits. But you can remedy this with luminaires that emit the right light. We have put together a few tips for you on how you can counteract the autumn blues with well-thought-out lighting. How much light affects our mental well-being is best demonstrated in the medical field. Because depression has been treated here for many years not only with psychotropic drugs but also with light. People with seasonal depression respond very well to such light therapy. Many people without this so-called winter depression also notice the lack of light. It is harder to get out of bed in the morning, dragging yourself through the working day, being tired, and perhaps lacking drive, while in the evening it is easier to ponder and then perhaps even have t...